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C4D脚本-批量载入HDR渲染教程Change Sky

C4D脚本-批量载入HDR渲染[含教程] Change Sky
Change Sky
Change Sky Rotate
When you run the Change Sky script, the open window is displayed. Select one HDR from the folder with the HDR collected beforehand. The Sky object is added to Cinema 4D and all the material HDRs in the selected HDR folder are set as different materials.
运行“更改天空”脚本时,将显示“打开”窗口。从预先收集HDR的文件夹中选择一个HDR。天空对象将添加到Cinema 4D,并且选定HDR文件夹中的所有材质HDR都设置为不同的材质。
When Change Sky Rotate is changed, 0 °, 90 °, 180 ° and 270 ° rotation of the same HDR are added.
To render all takes, click Move All Render to PV on the Take menu. It is necessary to add "$ take" to the file name so that the saved file name does not overlap.
若要渲染所有Take,请单击“Take”菜单上的“Move all render To PV”。有必要在文件名中添加“$take”,这样保存的文件名就不会重叠。